CREATE (Constructivist Mixed Reality for Design, Education and Cultural Heritage) is an ambitious three-year research program co-financed by the European Union (IST-2001-34231), which aims to develop Virtual Reality technologies that combine 3D photorealistic representations of real spaces with advanced interaction capabilities.
MPIRO (Multilingual Personalised Information Objects) is a three-year research program co-financed by the European Union, which combines natural language processing technologies with the Internet and Virtual Reality to offer multilingual descriptions of exhibits, tailored to the interests of museum visitors.
The Virtual Reality Department of the Foundation of the Hellenic World maintains close cooperation with the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois, where the CAVE® technology is developed. The goal of the collaboration is to explore the potential of distance learning through Virtual Reality systems connected by high-speed networks. The first results of the collaboration, with an application in the cultural sector, were presented at the international demonstration iGRID 2000, held at the Internet Global Summit in Japan.
The Virtual Reality Department of the Foundation of the Hellenic World collaborates with scientists from the REVES graphics laboratory of the French research labs INRIA to develop more efficient techniques that will help improve performance in real-time image production, as well as research into non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) techniques through the ARCHEOS program.
Following close collaboration with members of the artistic community, the Virtual Reality Department provides its expertise for the implementation of projects such as the virtual part of the "Helicopter" project. This is the work of a contemporary Greek artist co-produced with international workshops and art centers.
Additionally, the Virtual Reality Department has participated in the following programs and proposals: